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AT PRF (H-Pole Frame of Reinforcement or Dead End)

Use: These steel frames are for use in poles for the establishment of overhead power lines of 60KV.
ReferenceTypeUsePole effort (daN)
7.08.ATPRF.M04H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End2250
7.08.ATPRF.M06H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End2750
7.08.ATPRF.M08H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End4000
7.08.ATPRF.M10H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End5000
7.08.ATPRF.G08H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End6000
7.08.ATPRF.G10H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End7500
7.08.ATPRF.G12H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End9000
7.08.ATPRF.G14H-PoleReinforcement / Dead End11000
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